Tuesday, February 26, 2008

White house backtracks on claims of lost intelligence

I read this article, and I don’t know what to do or what to say to people: to agree with it or to criticize it. On Friday evening, two guys named Atty.Gen. Michael B. Mukasey and Director of National Intelligence J. Michael McConnell had sent an unusual letter to Congress that the nation “is now more vulnerable to terrorist attack and other foreign threats” because lawmakers had not yet acted on the administration’s proposal for the wiretapping law. I read the article over and over until I got to the point where I disagreed with them.
They continue the article like this: “But within hours of sending that letter, administration officials told lawmakers on the House and Senate intelligence committees that they had prevailed upon all of the telecommunication companies to continue cooperation with the government’s requests for information while negotiations with Congress continue.”
The first reason that I disagree with the letter is because they used the phrase “in the aftermath of 9/11” over and over as an emotional appeal and cover for lawbreaking but the reality is that illegal wiretapping began long before 9/11.
The second reason that made me disagree with them is that illegal wiretapping did nothing to stop the 9/11 attack. Perhaps it is because the administration was using this program for reasons other than tracking down terrorists.
Don’t forget that if we don’t open the door to the administration and let them in, or if we don’t believe that they standing on our side, we are all going to die a fiery death!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Character Trumps Policy for Voters

The Huffington Post determined last year, that the United States people care less about issues than they do about a candidate’s character. Many people believe that freedom is the only genuinely valuable thing that man need in order to have a better live, and many other believe that liberty is only one. A statistics show that modern American public is not that politically knowledgeable or sophisticated and unfortunately according to the article just 55 percent of those surveyed consider honesty, integrity, intelligence, stance on issues and other values of character the most important qualities they should look for in a presidential candidate. Therefore they end up having problems agreeing with the president’s dissuasions. We can only hope that Bush’s collapse in the character test will be a good lesson to the 2008 presidential candidates.