Tuesday, March 4, 2008

“The world would be a better place if…”

The Nuclear holocaust is the destruction of whole nation in the blink of an eye. We cannot hide from the threat that nuclear weapons pose to humanity and all life. These are not ordinary weapons, but instruments of mass annihilation that could destroy civilians and end all life on Earth. Nuclear weapons are morally and legally unjustifiable. They destroy indiscriminately- soldiers and civilians; men, women and children; the aged and the newly born; the healthy and the infirm. The world would be a far safer and better place if the Pandora’s Box of nuclear weapons had never been opened.
Many historians argue that the United States began the Cold War by ending Word War II with the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Four years later, on August 9, 1949, the Soviet Union developed its own nuclear weapons.
A few days ago the Washington Post stated in an article saying that “the U.N. says Iran may not have come clean on nuclear past.” The article was written by Joby Warrick and Colum Lynch on Sunday, March 2, 2008. The article is about that Iran has been denied or another word has been pushing, ever seeking nuclear weapons. The Washington Post has apparently gotten a hold of internal documents demonstrating that Iran was actively pursuing nuclear bomb research until about four years ago, according to the Washington Post.
I read this article and I thought about it to my self for a minute, but I ended up saying why not? So I found out that I cannot agree with the writers. Is Iran the only country that has nuclear weapons? Why can’t they have them? I’m not saying that because Iran is my home county; I’m disagreeing with the writers because they just want to scare people by using the term “some of the document tells” to prove to people that it is a very serous problem and people have to agree with the president to go to war with Iran. The writers want to convince the world to believe them.

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