Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Immigration and Immigrants are Destroying America:>-

I agree with the point made across on http://whitneylapier.blogspot.com/ titled “Immigrant Control-Comment on Capital Politics Since 1776 Blog” written by my friend Whitney. I believe that growing numbers in population because of immigrants slams the United States. It seems that many do not think of the long term effects of this increase.
Border control is raging out of control in America. Thousands of immigrants flood the Mexican/ U.S. border every day. The population of America is growing out of control and something needs to be done about this. America will eventually dig its own grave if it becomes too over populated. This land cannot remain the world power if millions flood into the U.S every year.
My side of the argument is limiting immigration to the United States and having tighter security along America’s borders. Because there is no international obligation for any nation to allow others to enter or to work, in fact, most nations do not admit immigrants for permanent settlement. Mass immigration has played a significant role in the economic history of the United States, nevertheless the harsh fact is that what may be necessary and beneficial at one time, may not be so at another.
America needs to step and draw the line somewhere. There are many points that can be made about immigration problems to the United States. The most obvious is taking jobs away from many Americans. Not all immigrants take lowlife jobs that Americans do not want. Immigrants are taking the jobs that Americans are currently holding because of the low-wages that employers pay immigrants. An American cannot compete with someone who will work for half of what they are currently making. Therefore, I think, “if the government can create a very detailed and direct process for becoming a citizen”, as Whitney’s and Eddie’s have said,” it could have the possibility for some lasting effects.”

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