Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Should The Voting Age Be Lowered To 16?

To lower or not to lower the voting age, it is a question I have thought greatly about and I say, I think not! I strongly think that the sixteen year olds of everyday life need not to vote.
Sixteen year olds should not have the right to vote because most of us are too immature to even begin to understand who to vote for. If the state argued to put in a Government and Politics class, I guarantee that sixteen year olds would not learn from it. Why? Because more than half the class would fall asleep, be too bored to pay attention, or they just don’t care to listen. My American History class proved this. If students can’t even pay attention to know how this country was founded, do you honestly think that they care to know that they can vote for the next secretary of state? They probably won’t even know what that position is and what it could lead to.
Then there is that handful of teenagers who do listen to what the teacher is saying. They are those who do understand how the system works and want to be a part of it. But there is one slight problem; they do not have “experience”. The Vietnam War is why eighteen year olds can now vote. In the 1960’s, people the ages of 18 or older were drafted into the Vietnam War. When they returned to America, they complained that the right to vote should be allowed to them, for they had served the country. Those that are sixteen have not been in any war, have not killed any enemies, and have not really served this country in any way.
So why do we need the right to vote? Most of us teenagers don’t care who the next president is. Just as long as he/she doesn’t tear down the skate parks and the movie theaters. That’s what we are all about, right?


Eddie Mercado said...

In regard to Nahad’s article pertaining to allowing sixteen year olds the right to vote would be a joke. I agree with her because the greatest concern on a teenagers mind is whether he/she might get invited to the party on Saturday or if he’ll make it to third base with Bridget at the party. Most sixteen year olds don’t have any kind of intelligence toward local or even national government at that. I don’t know who would think of such a preposterous idea because these children are barely coming out of puberty and wonder what is going on with their body. The moron who would be president and allow for such a law to pass (considering that Congress approves of it and is passed the bill stage) would need to be impeached immediately and taken all US citizenship rights away. This is more of a comical idea and to be seen as a far-fetched blur but when brought up it becomes both silly and argumentative. Because there might be some teenagers who are concerned with the way they are being governed but if that is the case then why don’t we all just run with scissors? If you look at voters who are 18-21 you will find that this is the lowest number of voters who come out to exercise their right. So what would compel these teenagers to go out of their party-going, pot-smoking, just got a drivers license, to vote. Or do you think that they are going to ditch class to go cast their vote and come in with an “I voted” sticker pinned to their shirt and say “ I didn’t come to class because I was to busy voting while I failed my driving test”, like Nahad said “ I don’t think not”. To conclude why don’t we worry about greater dilemmas like healthcare, Medicare, social security, and illegal immigration instead of wasting our time with nonsense politics?

P.S. Thanks Kris for all of the great lectures and wish you the best, and hope y’all have a wonderful summer.

Ken said...

Yeah I'm 23, and before this class, I felt like I did not have enough knowledge to vote. I always felt like my vote would be canceling out a voter who is more knowledgeable. How fair is that? With that said I would have to completely agree with this article. A lot of youngsters that turn 18 feel that they need to vote, which is true. But lets be real, more than half these youngsters are voting for who their parents tell them to vote for. This WILL be the case if the voting age turns to 16. So do we want more votes or votes that mean something?